Call Number (LC) Title Results
GA 1.41:GAO-10-851 R Carbon trading current situation and oversight considerations for policymakers 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-854 R Federal Bureau of Prisons BOP has mechanisms in place to address most Second Chance Act requirements and is working to implement an initiative designed to reduce recidivism 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-876 R Mandate on Department of Housing and Urban Developmen'ts Alterative Credit Pilot Program 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-877 R U.S. Customs and Border Protection's border security fencing, infrastructure and technology fiscal year 2010 expenditure plan 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-889 R Overseas contingency operations comparison of the Department of Defense's overseas contingency operations funding requests for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-892 R Women in management analysis of female managers' representation, characteristics, and pay 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-946 R U.S. Patent and Trademark Office performance management processes 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-953 R Medicare Advantage CMS actions regarding plans' health reform communications 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-964 R Management report opportunities for improvements in the Congressional Award Foundation's internal controls and accounting procedures 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-967 R Firms reported in open sources to have sold Iran refined petroleum products between January 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-977 R Military training DOD continues to improve its report on the sustainability of training ranges 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-988 R Defense infrastructure Department of Defense's energy supplemental report 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-1014 R Military personnel observations on the use and effects of the National Guard and Reservists Debt Relief Act of 2008 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-1020 R Joint strike fighter assessment of DOD's funding projection for the F136 alternate engine 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-1022 R Recovery Act survey of state housing finance agencies' use of the low-income housing Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP) and the Section 1602 Program 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-1025 R Tax administration usage and selected analyses of the first-time homebuyer credit 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-1032 R Participants in SBA's microloan program could provide additional information to enhance the public's understanding of Recovery Act fund uses and expected outcomes 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-1037 R Office of the Federal Detention Trustee's (OFDT) cost estimation methods reflect features of best practices, but proccesses could be enhanced 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-1039 R 2010 resubmission of the U.S.-Russia nuclear cooperation agreement further actions needed by State and other agencies to improve the review of the Classified Nuclear Proliferation Assessment 1
GA 1.41:GAO-10-1052 R Export promotion the Export-Import Bank's financing of dual-use exports 1