Call Number (LC) Title Results
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5707 To accompany Bill H.R. no. 605, May 29, 1858 Mr. Sandidge, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, submitted the following report 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5708 Geographical and geological surveys west of the Mississippi ... Report 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5709 Railroads in the territories, to accompany Bill H.R. no. 390 ... Report 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5710 Railroad to the Pacific Ocean, to accompany Bill H.R. no. 513 ... Report 1
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F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5711 Whitney's railroad to the Pacific . 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5713 Report of the committee appointed the twelfth of November last, on so much of the message of the President of the United States as relates to an amelioration of the form of government of the territory of Louisiana to whom was referred the third ultimo, a memorial in the French language, with a translation thereof, from sundry planters, merchants and other inhabitants of the said territory of Louisiana 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5714 Report of the committee appointed ... on so much of the message of the President of the United States as relates to the farther exploring of the western waters . 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5715 The Chorpenning claim testimony taken before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5716 Papers submitted to the House Committee on the Pacific Railroad 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5717 Report of a secret committee of the American Congress on the policy of obtaining New Orleans and the Floridas 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5718 Admission of Idaho into the union ... Views of the minority, on the Bill (H.R. 4562) "to provide for the admission into the union of the state of Idaho, and for other purposes" 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5719 Admission of Utah Report of the Committee on Territories on the admission of Utah as a state, to the House of Representatives, second session, fiftieth congress 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5720 Boundary of Missouri and Iowa, (to accompany H.R. Bill no. 11) February 4, 1840 Mr. G. Davis, from the Committee on the Territories, to which the subject had been referred, submitted the following report 1
F591 .W48 Reel 559 no.5721 Memorial of the senators and representatives, and the Constitution of the state of Kansas also, the majority and minority reports of the Committee on Territories on the said Constitution 1
F591 .W48 Reel 560 no.5722 Northern boundary of Missouri, December 31, 1842, referred to the Committee on the Territories 1
F591 .W48 Reel 560 no.5723 Oregon Territory, to accompany Bill H.R. no. 21 ... Report [of] the Committee on the Territories, to whom was referred the Bill no. 21, "to organize a territorial government in the Oregon Territory, and for other purposes" 1
F591 .W48 Reel 560 no.5723.1 R.G. Elliott and others, of Kansas, to accompany Bill H.R. no. 810, February 7, 1857 Mr. Grow, from the Committee on the Territories, made the following report, the Committee on Territories, to whom was referred the memorial of R.G. Elliott and others, citizens of the Territory of Kansas, praying compensation for property destroyed in the said territory, having had the same under consideration, beg leave to submit the following report 1
F591 .W48 Reel 560 no.5724 Report of the committee ... to inquire what compensation ought to be made to Captain Zebulon M. Pike, and his companions . 1
F591 .W48 Reel 560 no.5725 Report of the special committee appointed to investigate the troubles in Kansas, with the views of the minority of said committee 1
F591 .W48 Reel 560 no.5726 Documents accompanying a bill making compensation to Messieurs Lewis and Clarke[!] and their companions, presented the 23d January, 1807 1