Call Number (LC) Title Results
F591 .W48 Reel 205 no.2119 The right of the people of the territory to form a state government and their relations to the Federal government 1
F591 .W48 Reel 205 no.2120 Commentaries on the mining ordinances of Spain dedicated to His Catholic Majesty, Charles III . 1
F591 .W48 Reel 205 no.2121 Comentarios a las ordenanzas de minas, dedicados al catholico rey, nuestro señor, Don Carlos III 1
F591 .W48 Reel 205 no.2122 Mexico versus Texas, a descriptive novel, most of the characters of which consist of living persons 1
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F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2123 On the trail of a Spanish pioneer the diary and itinerary of Francisco Garcés (missionary priest) in his travels through Sonora, Arizona, and California, 1775-1776 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2124 Manual para administrar los santos sacramentos de penitencia, eucharistia, extrema-uncion, y matrimonio: dar gracias despues de comulgar, y ayudar a bien morir a los indios de las naciones: pajalates, orejones, pacaos, pacóas, tilijayas, alasapas, pausanes, y otras muchas diferentes, que se hallen en las missiones del Rio de San' Antonio y Rio Grande, pertenecientes à el Colegio de la santissima cruz de la ciudad de Queretaro, como son: los pacuâches, mescâles, pampôpas, tâcames, chayopînes, venados, pamâques, y toda la juventud de pihuiques, borrados, sanipaos, y manos de Perro 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2125 Climates of the Northwest being condensed notes of a lecture delivered by Hon. S. Garfielde 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2126 Wah-to-yah, and the Taos trail; or, Prairie travel and scalp dances, with a look at los rancheros from muleback and the Rocky mountain camp fire 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2127 The authentic life of Billy, the Kid, the noted desperado of the Southwest, whose deeds of daring and blood made his name a terror in New Mexico, Arizona and northern Mexico 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2128 Life and labour of Rev. A. E. Garrison, forty years in Oregon. Seven months on the plains, historical sketches of Oregon. Jan. 1st. 1887 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2129 Life and adventures of John Gaskins, in the early history of northwest Arkansas 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2130 A journal of the voyages and travels of a corps of discovery, under the command of Capt. Lewis and Capt. Clarke of the army of the United States, from the mouth of the river Missouri through the interior parts of North America to the Pacific Ocean, during the years 1804, 1805 & 1806. Containing an authentic relation of the most interesting transactions during the expedition,--a description of the country,--and an account of its inhabitants, soil, climate, curiosities and vegetable and animal productions 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2131 Five fur traders of the Northwest being the narrative of Peter Pond and the diaries of John Macdonell, Archibald N. McLeod, Hugh Faries, and Thomas Conner ... with an introduction by Grace Lee Nute 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2132 Lieutenant Charles B. Gatewood, 6th U. S. cavalry and the surrender of Geronimo 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2133 A detailed description of the scenes and incidents connected with a trip through the mountains and parks of Colorado, as accomplished by H. B. B. Stapler and Harry T. Gause, July 21-August 20, 1871 1
F591 .W48 Reel 206 no.2134 Sketches of California. An account of the life, manners and customs of the inhabitants. Its history, climate, soil, productions, &c. ... Also interesting information in relation to the canchalagua, a California plant of rare medicinal virtues 1
F591 .W48 Reel 207-208 no.2137 History of Louisiana . 1
F591 .W48 Reel 207 no.2135 Essai historique sur la Louisiane 1
F591 .W48 Reel 207 no.2136 Histoire de la Louisiane 1
F591 .W48 Reel 208 no.2138 History of Louisiana ... With city and topographical maps of the state, ancient and modern 1