Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.310/2:334167 Conversations with self and conversations with setting a framework for thinking about teacher empowerment 1
ED 1.310/2:334191 The Challenge, preparing teachers for diverse student populations roundtable report 1
ED 1.310/2:334194 Writing RFPs for assessment programs 1
ED 1.310/2:334204 Inflated test score gains is it old norms or teaching the test? : effects of testing projects, final deliverable--March 1989 1
ED 1.310/2:334205 Comparing state and district test results to national norms interpretations of scoring "above the national average" 1
ED 1.310/2:334231 Public elementary and secondary state aggregate data, by state, for school year 1989-1990 and fiscal year 1989 1
ED 1.310/2:334240 Survey of political science department chairs on the exploration of the customization of the Major Field Achievement Test in Political Science final report 1
ED 1.310/2:334260 National dropout statistics from a longitudinal cohort perspective estimating rates of school-leaving and school noncompletion : symposium on dropout statistics from administrative records 1
ED 1.310/2:334273 The problem of excluded baseline students in a school-based longitudinal study correcting national dropout estimates and accommodating eligibility change over time : paper presented at the American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April 6, 1991, Session 34.15 1
ED 1.310/2:334279 Education counts an indicator system to monitor the nation's educational health : report of the Special Study Panel on Education Indicators to the Acting Commissioner of Education Statistics 1
ED 1.310/2:334286 Coordination of Chapter 1 and regular programs United States Department of Education Chapter 1 Program Improvement Meetings 1
ED 1.310/2:334287 Schoolwide projects considerations 1
ED 1.310/2:334288 Evaluating schoolwide projects 1
ED 1.310/2:334309 Meeting the goals of school completion 1
ED 1.310/2:334310 Teaching limited English proficient students to understand and use mathematics 1
ED 1.310/2:334311 Accountability mechanisms in big city school systems 1
ED 1.310/2:334329 Alternative state funding allocation methods for local school districts to serve "at-risk" students 1
ED 1.310/2:334338 School programs for African American male students 1
ED 1.310/2:334339 Creating accountability in big city school system 1
ED 1.310/2:334340 School programs for African American males 1