Call Number (LC) Title Results
ED 1.102:M 42/3 Third International Mathematics and Science Study 1
ED 1.102:M 42/V.1 The Levels of mathematics achievement : initial performance standards for the 1990 NAEP mathematics assessment 1
ED 1.102:M 42/V.2 The Levels of mathematics achievement : initial performance standards for the 1990 NAEP mathematics assessment 1
ED 1.102:M 42/V.3 The Levels of mathematics achievement : initial performance standards for the 1990 NAEP mathematics assessment 1
ED 1.102:M 74 Education counts : an indicator system to monitor the nation's educational health 1
ED 1.102:M 74/2 Impact of monetary incentives and mailing procedures an experiments in a federally sponsored telephone survey--methodology report 1
ED 1.102:N 21 Education in states and nations: indicators comparing U.S. states with the OECD countries in 1988 1
ED 1.102:N 21/3/ Education in states and nations indicators comparing U.S. states with the OECD countries in . 1
ED 1.102:N 21/3 Education in states and nations : indicators comparing U.S. states with the OECD countries in . 1
ED 1.102:N 22 Lo que cada padre debe saber acerca de NAEP : la libreta de calificaciones de la nación 1
ED 1.102:NCES 2005-303 What is the status of high school athletes 8 years after their senior year? 1
ED 1.102:NCES 2006-039 Child care and early education arrangements of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, 2001 2
ED 1.102:NCES 2006-302 An examination of the conditions of school facilities attended by 10th grade students in 2002 1
ED 1.102:ON 5 Online assessment in mathematics and writing reports from the NAEP technology-based assessment project, research and development series 1
ED 1.102:P 84 Reconceptualizing access in postsecondary education and its ramifications for data systems report of the Policy Panel on Access ... Washington, D.C., Policy Panel meeting, September 9, 1997 1
ED 1.102:P 84/2 Enrollment in postsecondary institutions, fall 2004; graduation rates, 1998 & 2001 cohorts; and financial statistics, fy 2004 1
ED 1.102:P 84/3 Profile of undergraduates in U.S. postsecondary education institutions--2003-04, with a special analysis of community college students statistical analysis report 1
ED 1.102:P 84/5 Institutional policies and practices regarding postsecondary faculty fall 2003, first look 1
ED 1.102:P 84/7 Enrollment in postsecondary institutions, fall 2005; graduation rates, 1999 and 2002 cohorts; and financial statistics, fiscal year 2005 first look 1
ED 1.102:P 84/8 Differential characteristics of 2-year postsecondary institutions 1