Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 59.25:929-2000 SPI state personal income 1929-2000 1
C 59.25:929-2006 SPI state personal income 1
C 59.25:929-2007 SPI state personal income 1
C 59.25:958-96 SPI state personal income 1
C 59.25:969-95 SPI state personal income 1969-95 1
C 59.25:969-98 SPI state personal income 1
C 59.25:969-2002 SPI state personal income, 1969-2000 1
C 59.25:969-2003 SPI State Personal Income 1969-2003 1
C 60.10:00-371 Radio link performance prediction via software simulation 2
C 60.10:00-372 Indoor polarization and directivity measurements at 5.8 GHz 1
C 60.10:00-373 Measured occupancy of 5850-5925 MHz and adjacent 5-GHz spectrum in the United States 2
C 60.10:00-374 Lower Mississippi River Ports and Waterways Safety System (PAWSS) RF coverage test results 1
C 60.10:00-375 Nonlinear operation of a MMIC RF power amplifier and its effects on battery current, interference, and link margin 1
C 60.10:00-376 Electromagnetic compatibility between marine automatic identification and public correspondence systems in the maritime mobile VHF band 1
C 60.10:00-378 Spectrum usage for the fixed services 1
C 60.10:00-379 A frequency- and time-domain investigation into the geometric optics approximation for wireless indoor applications 1
C 60.10:00-380 Flexible Interoperable Transceiver (FIT) Program test range I radio propagation measurements at 440, 1360 and 1920 MHz, Edwards Air Force Base, CA 1
C 60.10:00-381 Flexible interoperable transceiver (FIT) program test range II radio propagation measurements at 440, 1360, and 1920 MHz Ft. Hood, Texas 1
C 60.10:01-382 Vulnerability of wireline and cellular telecommunications networks to high power radio frequency fields 2
C 60.10:01-383 The temporal and spectral characteristics of ultrawideband signals 1