Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.358/2:C 44/ Species in the spotlight, priority actions. Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 1
C 55.358/2:C 66/ Species in the spotlight, priority actions. Central California Coast coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch 1
C 55.358/2:K 55/ Species in the spotlight, priority actions. Southern Resident killer whale DPS, Orcinus orca 1
C 55.358/2:L 48/ Species in the spotlight, priority actions. Pacific leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea 1
C 55.358/2:M 74/ Species in the spotlight, priority actions. Hawaiian monk seal, Neomonachus schauinslandi 1
C 55.358/2:N 81/ Species in the spotlight, priority actions. North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) 1
C 55.358/2:W 58/ Species in the spotlight, priority actions. White abalone, Haliotis sorenseni 1
C 55.359: ... shark finning report to Congress : pursuant to the Shark Finning Prohibition Act (Public Law 106-557) 1
C 55.36: CTD/O₂ measurements during ... as part of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Study (EPOCS) 2
C 55.36:ERL AOML-2 Airborne research meteorological data collected by the National Hurricane Research Laboratory during the NOAA/RFC WP-3D ERA--inventory and availability 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-8 Current velocity and hydrographic observations in the Straits of Florida, the Caribbean Sea and offshore of the Antillean Archipelago : Subtropical Atlantic Climate Study (STACS) 1984 and 1985 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-12 Current velocity and hydrographic observations in the southwestern North Atlantic Ocean subtropical Atlantic Climate Studies (STACS), 1987 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-14 Current velocity and hydrographic observations in the southwestern North Atlantic Ocean Subtropical Atlantic Climate Studies (STACS), 1988
Drifting buoy data from western tropical Pacific Ocean for the period of February 1, 1986 through February 28, 1989
C 55.36:ERL AOML-15 Global change expedition nutrient, chlorophyll-A and primary productivity data, NOAA ship Mt. Mitchell, 14 July-6 September 1988 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-17 Drift buoy intercomparison test results 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-18 Current velocity and hydrographic observations in the southwestern North Atlantic Ocean subtropical Atlantic Climate Studies (STACS), 1989 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-19 Radiatively important trace species (RITS) 1990 : Tropical Pacific Ozone Minimum Expedition nutrient, chlorophyll-A, and primary productivity data, NOAA ship Malcolm Baldridge, 3 January-18 February 1990 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-20 Shipboard acoustic doppler current profiler data collected during the Subtropical Atlantic Climate Studies (STACS) Project, (1983-1986) 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-22 Hydrographic observations in the western tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Climate Change Program (ACCP) and Western Tropical Atlantic Experiment (WESTRAX) during 1990 1
C 55.36:ERL AOML-23 Hydrographic observations in the western tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Climate Change Program (ACCP) and Western Tropical Atlantic Experiment (WESTRAX) during 1991 1