Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.302:SH 2/2010-2 Managed shark species that can be legally retained by recreational anglers in the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico 1
C 55.302:SM 1 Status review of smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) 1
C 55.302:SO 1 Lake Ozette sockeye limiting factors analysis 1
C 55.302:SP 1 Issues and options for research and data collection in closed and gear restricted areas in support of spatial fisheries management 1
C 55.302:SP 3 Species code book 1
C 55.302:SP 3/2 Species in the spotlight : priority actions, 2016-2020. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar 1
C 55.302:SP 3/3 Species in the spotlight : priority actions, 2016-2020. Cook Inlet beluga whale, Delphinapterus leucas 1
C 55.302:SP 3/4 Species in the spotlight : priority actions, 2016-2020. Southern Resident killer whale DPS, Orcinus orca 1
C 55.302:ST 3 Recovery plan for the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus)
Final recovery plan for the steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus)
C 55.302:ST 3/3/SUM. Middle Columbia River steelhead DPS recovery plan summary 1
C 55.302:ST 3/4 Middle Columbia River steelhead distinct population segment ESA recovery plan 1
C 55.302:ST 3/5 Conservation and recovery plan for Oregon steelhead populations in the Middle Columbia River steelhead distinct population segment 1
C 55.302:ST 3/6 Recovery plan for the Klickitat River population of the Middle Columbia River steelhead distinct population segment 1
C 55.302:ST 3/7 Recovery plan for the Rock Creek population of the Middle Columbia River steelhead distinct population segment 1
C 55.302:ST 3/8 2009 Yakima steelhead recovery plan : extracted from the Yakima River subbasin salmon recovery plan with updates 1
C 55.302:ST 3/2008 Recovery plan for the Steller sea lion eastern and western distinct population segments (Eumetopias jubatus) 1
C 55.302:ST 7/NOT. Important changes for cold storage subscribers 1
C 55.302:ST 9 Atlantic & shortnose sturgeons : coloring, activities, and education booklet 1
C 55.302:SU 7 A survey of purse seine fishing capacity in the western and central Pacific Ocean, 1998 to 2003 1
C 55.302:SW 7 Proceedings of the U.S. West Coast Swordfish Workshop : Working Towards Sustainability, May 10-11, 2011, San Diego, California 1