Call Number (LC) Title Results
C 55.13:NMFS-SSRF-728 Vertical sections of semimonthly mean temperature on the San Francisco-Honolulu route : from expendable bathythermograph observations, June 1966-December 1974 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-729 References for the identification of marine invertebrates on the southern Atlantic coast of the United States 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-730 Surface circulation in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico as deduced from drift bottles 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-731 Annotated bibliography and subject index on the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-732 Assessment of the northwest Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus, stock 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-733 Possible management procedures for increasing production of sockeye salmon smolts in the Naknek River system, Bristol Bay, Alaska 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-734 Escape of king crab, Paralithodes camtschatica, from derelict pots 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-735 History of the fishery and summary statistics of the sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, runs to the Chignik Lakes, Alaska, 1888-1966 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-736 A historical and descriptive account of Pacific coast anadromous salmonid rearing facilities and a summary of their releases by region, 1960-76 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-737 Movements of pelagic dolphins (Stenella Spp.) in the eastern tropical Pacific as indicated by results of tagging : with summary of tagging operations, 1969-76 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-738 Environmental baselines in Long Island Sound, 1972-73 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-739 Bottom-water temperature trends in the Middle Atlantic Bight during spring and autumn, 1964-76 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-740 Food of fifteen northwest Atlantic gadiform fishes 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-741 Distribution of gammaridean amphipoda (Crustacea) in the Middle Atlantic Bight region 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-742 Water structure at Ocean Weather Station V, northwestern Pacific Ocean, 1966-71 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-743 Average density index for walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the Bering Sea 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-744 Tunas, oceanography and meteorology of the Pacific : an annotated bibliography, 1950-78 1
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-745 Dorsal mantle length-total weight relationships of squids Loligo pealei and Illex illecebrosus from the Atlantic coast of the United States 2
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-746 Distribution of Gammaridean Amphipoda (Crustacea) on Georges Bank
Distribution of gammaridean amphipoda (Crustacea) on Georges Bank
C 55.13:NMFS SSRF-747 Movement, growth, and mortality of American lobsters, Homarus americanus, tagged along the coast of Maine
Movement, growth, and mortality of American lobsters, Homarus americanus, tagged along the Coast of Maine