Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.88:RM-GTR-297 Micropropagation, genetic engineering, and molecular biology of Populus 2
A 13.88:RM-GTR-298 Conserving biodiversity on native rangelands : symposium proceedings, August 17, 1995, Fort Robinson State Park, Nebraska 2
A 13.88:RM-GTR-299 AQUARIUS, a modeling system for river basin water allocation 1
A 13.88:RMRS-168 DVD Simulating biophysical environment for gradient modeling and ecosystem mapping using the WXFIRE program : model documentation and application 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-1 The brown-headed cowbird and its riparian-dependent hosts in New Mexico 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-2-CD Landtype associations of the northern region, a first approximation 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-3 Development of input data layers for the FARSITE fire growth model for the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness complex, USA 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-4 Guidelines for evaluating air pollution impacts on wilderness within the Rocky Mountain region : report of a workshop, 1990 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-5 From the Rio to the Sierra : an environmental history of the Middle Rio Grande Basin 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-6 An assessment methodology for determining historical changes in mountain streams 2
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-7 Miller Creek demonstration forest : a forest born of fire, a field guide 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-10 Field guide to intermountain sedges 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-11 Peatlands on national forests of the northern Rocky Mountains : ecology and conservation 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-12 A management-oriented classification of Pinyon-Juniper woodlands of the Great Basin 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-13 Multiple resource evaluations on the Beaver Creek Watershed : an annotated bibliography (1956-1996) 2
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-14 Plant-herbivore interactions in Atriplex : current state of knowledge 2
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-15 Miller Creek demonstration forest ecology activities : a teacher's supplement to the field guide 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-16 Ecology and management of sand shinnery communities : a literature review 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-17 Vascular plant species of the Pawnee National Grassland 1
A 13.88:RMRS-GTR-18 National wilderness preservation system database key attributes and trends, 1964 through 1998 1