Call Number (LC) Title Results
A 13.78:INT-RP-488 Wilderness recreation use trends, 1965 through 1994 1
A 13.78:INT-RP-489 Fall rates of prescribed fire-killed ponderosa pine 1
A 13.78:INT-RP-490 Campsite impacts in four wildernesses in the South-Central United States 1
A 13.78:INT-RP-491 Elk and domestic sheep interactions in a north-central Utah aspen ecosystem 2
A 13.78:INT-RP-492 Response of a depleted sagebrush steppe riparian system to grazing control and woody plantings 1
A 13.78:INT-RP-493 Effects of humidity on storing big sagebrush seed 1
A 13.78:INT-RP-494 Localized spatial and temporal attack dynamics of the mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine 1
A 13.78:INT-RP-495 Old growth ponderosa pine and western larch stand structures : influences of pre-1900 fires and fire exclusion 1
A 13.78:INT-RP-496 High-use destinations in wilderness social and biophysical impacts, visitor responses, and management options
High-use destinations in wilderness : social and biophysical impacts, visitor responses, and management options
A13.78:NC264 Forest management opportunities for Michigan, 1981-1990 1
A13.78:NC273 A method for estimating operability and location of the timber resource 1
A13.78:NE581 Allegheny hardwood regeneration response to even-age harvesting methods 1
A13.78:NE583 Rating forest stands for gypsy moth defoliation 1
A 13.78:NC-267 Adjusting STEMS growth model for Wisconsin forests 1
A 13.78:NC-269 An evaluation of lake states STEMS 85 1
A 13.78:NC-270 Wolf population in the Central Superior National Forest, 1967-1985 1
A 13.78:NC-275 Biology and control of scleroderris canker in North America 1
A 13.78:NC-277 Biomass yields for small trees, shrubs, and herbs in northern lake states forests 1
A 13.78:NC-283 Tall shrub dynamics in northern Minnesota aspen and conifer forests 1
A 13.78:NC-284 A guide to forestry investment analysis 1